Set up batch job process monitoring in under 15 minutes

Web Session - 23 May 2023 - 10:00-10:30 am

LinkedIn registrationFree trial
The monitoring of batch job processes provides information about the sequence of operations, execution times, process data and error states, which are existential prerequisites for the controllability and optimization of usually business-critical processing operations.
Due to a lack of tools or technically too complex implementations, only logs are available for controllability in many companies. With batch job process monitoring, we offer you a lightweight solution at low cost.
In this 30-minute web session, we would like to show you live how you can set up and analyze batch job process monitoring in under 15 minutes.
We will demonstrate the following ideas & solutions to the participants of the web session:
1. Why batch job process monitoring?
  • Motivation and use cases
  • Achieve transparency, controllability and analysability(metrics, process data, visualisation, process variants, etc.)
  • Batch job processes in distributed systems- Simple technical implementation of monitoring
2. Technical approach
  • General approach based on process changes
  • Define batch job process data (ID, Step, Final step, Swimlane/Stakeholder, customer-specific process data)
  • Analyse process variants and instances
3. Live demo
  • Setup a new batch job process monitoring
  • Analyse batch job process variants and executions
4. Q&A session
Be welcome, Alex Aschauer

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Talk to us

Alex Aschauer
Alex Aschauer
Business Development Manager
P:  +49-30-221986-52
Contact person
Matthias Scholze
Chief Technology Officer
P:  +49-30-221986-51


Batch job






Business process








Process variants


Process data


Process metrics


Process KPI


Process visualization








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